A private Discovery Session is an introduction to your Personal Brand Alignment, where all new clients begin. It’s a standalone session that informs any and all future work together. The live session with Janna is 1 hour on zoom, but the process starts earlier. Once onboarded, you will receive the ~20 point intake questionnaire to make your time with Janna tactical and actionable.

“I’m still shocked by how much more clarity I had within the first 20 minutes of my time with Janna, and the renewed confidence I had by the end of our hour.” — Fortune 500 DEI Executive Leader

What to expect:

  • Thought partnership to define your own version of success - with words to communicate it

  • Tactical application of core PBA principles

  • Nuanced perspective on your unique challenges and opportunities

  • Takeaway goals, action items, and priorities, as well as next steps on your PBA journey

Investment: $1,500

Learn more about the principles of Personal Brand Alignment

Intro to Personal Brand Alignment

New Clients:

Existing Clients:

Documentation will be provided for reimbursement from corporate professional development budgets. All information discussed over the course of our work together will be confidential under a standard non-disclosure agreement.

“Janna helped me get out of my head and ignite a plan of action - I’m more confident trusting my gut, leveraging my network, and experimenting to create the world I want to live in.”

- Elyse Fox, Founder

The Next Step: Post-Discovery

Personal Brand Alignment Programs and Coaching Packages with Janna

Janna’s advice on next steps will be informed by your Discovery Session, and options for continued work together are based on the customized goals that surface, as well as your investment bandwidth.

Here are some examples of session work and deliverables:

  • Articulating personal values, North Star mission and superpowers

  • Creating and refining a personal pitch that is simple, authentic and effective

  • Creation of goals with filters through which to put incoming opportunities and time management decisions

  • Alignment of how you prioritize time, money and other resources, including relationship capital and creativity

  • Cultivating and leveraging your personal network by arming your advocates with clear ways to support you

  • Refreshing and/or building your resume, bios, social media channels and personal website , and a blueprint for joyful, effective, and sustainable engagement

  • Monetization strategy for your creative ideas and business concepts with first next steps

  • Creating a thesis for private values-aligned strategic angel investing and positioning yourself to advise companies in exchange for equity ownership

  • Creating tactical timelines - from 30/60/90 day accountability to 1/3/5+ year + vision-setting

“Janna is straightforward in her approach to advising, and it’s refreshing to have some who will tell you what you need to hear to grow…Janna’s guidance in helping me move from “what” I do to “why” I do it helped me feel more confident with designing and developing my brand strategy.”

- Mahasin Phillips, Entrepreneur

New Clients:

Existing Clients:

“Having the clarity and ability to bring my own alchemy of core attributes and superpowers to any new involvement now makes it easier to more quickly both determine and attract who and what's "a fit" for me -- what's worth doing right now -- all with greater confidence in the timely relevance of my contribution to any endeavor.”

-Betty Cohen, Media Executive + Creative Entrepreneur

Still have questions?