Personal Brand Theory ⚡

One does not “build” a personal brand. You are a person, and your brand is simply everything that you do and say, and how you show up in the world.

It’s uniquely yours, and it will be with you forever. It also evolves over time - especially once you start to be intentional with tapping into your own power sources. Those resources live within your Personal Economy and are your TIME, your MONEY, your RELATIONSHIPS, and the interplay thereof. You’re in the center as the steward of these assets.

Personal Brand Alignment, conducted 1:1 and through keynotes, workshops, and group facilitation, is Janna’s proprietary blend of leadership development, soul centering, and talent management. It's based on the premise that everyone has a personal brand, whether you realize it or not, and it’s about practicing that beautiful balance (alignment) between authentically showing up as the best version of yourself and being effectively well positioned to thrive in the work you do. 

“Janna helped me realize that I don’t need to ‘choose a lane’ because there is synergy and alignment to all my different professional interests. She gave me permission to be a multi-hyphenate, and then armed me with the language to describe who I am and what I do in a cohesive way.”

- Fran Hauser, Investor and Author of National Bestseller, The Myth of the Nice Girl: Achieving a Career You Love Without Becoming a Person You Hate

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